Steven Pacheco Raposo

Personal Journey

The Path Less Traveled

My personal journey has not been conventional but than again,
I have never been the conventional type

It is on this path less traveled that I have found my treasures 
and firm ground on which to stand tall upon
Personal Journey

After a long journey without rest, I took opportunity to pause. In this rare silence, I sat to listen to my own story so that I may share it with you.

Out The Gate Running

Horse Race_Blue Transparent

I was ambitious from the moment I understood the amount of opportunities that constantly surround me. Where others saw obstacles, I saw things eager to be overcome and right out the gate, I hit the ground running

Taking The Stage

DJ With TurnTables

From the moment I set eyes on my first turntables, I knew I would united people through the art of musical story telling. Unfortunately, at age 15, nobody else agreed so, I remedied this by promoted my own line of sold-out events where I took stage and establish a brand that lead to my 1st business, Elite Entertainment

Though my career followed different passions, music continues to color in the pages of my life

The Great Leap

Cliff Diving

Graduating 2nd in class, I was recruited early on and got to work with brilliant minds developing Flipr. Later, at Pay Systems I used this knowledge to offer solutions but being a Junior, my ideas were cast aside. I elaborated the solutions on my own time, was quickly awarded a leadership position and oversaw the delivery of those solutions

My great leap was in departing such a lucrative position to start a business with no clients, business education, help or funding

I had always been and adventurer but, unlike a 55 foot cliff dive, this admittedly felt somewhat unsafe

It’s Not Impossible


Young and with achievements under my belt, my arrogance convinced me that nothing was impossible and, I would prove it with Digital Research Lab

The explorer in me journeyed to technical mountains, seas of marketing and one particularly cavern where with no experience, I decided I would build a Data Center

I remain grateful to that arrogance and with modesty, continue to embrace it while searching for the next “impossible”

Accidental CEO

Accidental Leader

My intention was never to grow a company with a need for a CEO. Life, had other plans and 19th Floor was born. With it, came a bunch of new letters like; CEO, CTO, CMO, CFO, ETC

When you bootstrap your own business, efficiency helps and you quickly learn to learn

Today, I benefit from the hats I wore but, never without remembering the difficulties and lessons that came first

A Child’s Adventure


I was the child who took apart toys, almost set the house on fire, and wondered why the sky was blue

As a child, I risked, I discovered, I adventured. As an adult, I could only do the same

A child’s adventure had been my career up until this point and it was filled with satisfaction and success but, something was missing – something big felt undiscovered

The Great Gamble

Rolling Red Dice

The idea of being employed by a large corporation was one that I had often turned down until a recruiter at the National Bank of Canada intrigued me with a challenge

Where others were uncertain of my survival in such a political landscape, he gambled on a sink or swim scenario where I was to solve 2 of their largest problems

Rising from the bottom with a long list of achievements garnishing the respect of Chief Officers and VPs, the gamble payed off

The Lookout Point

Mountain's End_White_Top

My career will show a continued progression without a moment of reflection. Too often, we move from one ambition to another, never taking pause to celebrate the last. This had been my crime

Only in taking the time to build this site and look back at my footsteps have I truly been able to appreciated the unconventional career that I have been so fortunate to have had thus far

This New Chapter

Blank Book

Having worked at both small and large enterprise, I know the joys and challenges of both – be it politics or growing pains

Having touch upon various disciplines, I know the role words play in communication – be it technical language or business language

Having told my story, I know there are many more pages to fill in my personal journey – be it adventure and challenges but, nothing less

If you have a mountain for me to climb or just want connect, reach out to me and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner. The best way to reach me is via LinkedIn where we can open a dialogue

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