Front-End vs Back-End vs Full Stack Easy 5 Minutes Explanation
Front-End vs Back-End vs Full Stack Explained – A stack is a collection of blocks; What you see is Front-end and what you don’t is Back-end
Technology drives the world but most of us find ourselves either in the back seat enjoying the ride or in the passenger’s seat attempting to offering directions, hoping some other driver gets us to the right destination in one piece.
In Technology Explained, I attempt to offer an explanation about common technical subjects in a way that is sure to connect with anyone who has a few minutes to read along.
Front-End vs Back-End vs Full Stack Explained – A stack is a collection of blocks; What you see is Front-end and what you don’t is Back-end
I’ll show you that: Developers don’t code in ones and zeros; Modern programming languages are very readable; Different programming languages suit different needs
Where do Clouds come from and what is Cloud? Simple explanations to Cloud Computing, Cloud Storage; Cloud Services, Platforms and Solutions
I’ll explain how IT History and show how the US military started the Internet; IT advancement are accelerating and Machines are coming for us all